St. Paul's Lutheran Church, where our art classes are held, is observing a special anniversary. Founded in 1739, the congregation is 275 years old this year! In celebration of the church's anniversary, the students at Blue Church Art created artworks depicting some of the beautiful features of the wonderful old church. |
St. Paul’s current stone building is the third church to stand on the property; its cornerstone was laid in 1833. In those days it was common to cover stone buildings with a coat of plaster or stucco. To create a brilliant white, the plasterers added blue pigment~ perhaps more than the necessary amount! This gave the stucco a prominent blue cast. Locals called it the “Blue” Church, and the name stuck. The blue tinted plaster was removed from the church in 1944, but the name “Blue Church” has remained. |

The note was written in black marker, all capital letters. DO NOT REMOVE. And so nobody did. The Jell-O sat in the refrigerator for six months and people opened the door now and then and looked at it—
But nobody dared to disobey the sign because the letters were so big and dark. Even as the Jell-O changed from orange to green and it grew hair and it gave off low vibrations (FAINT THROBBING OF HEARTBEAT), it remained in the church refrigerator… ;-)